About Us
Artistic (synchronized) swimming is a challenging sport that provides swimmers with many unique skills and opportunities. Our athletes develop strength, flexibility, grace, stamina, confidence and pride in their club and their sport. It is the goal of Pacific Waves Synchronized Swim Club to offer age specific training for all of our athletes geared towards challenging each individual and developing each swimmer to the best of their abilities.
Pacific Waves is a non-profit synchronized swimming club that was founded in 1999 by a group of dedicated parents and swimmers in an effort to make the sport of synchronized swimming accessible to all. Our coaches provide a supportive, welcoming atmosphere for swimmers of all ages to develop physically, mentally, and emotionally while participating in a rewarding and competitive sport that will equip each swimmer for life in and out of the water. Pacific Waves is highly dynamic and continues to grow, while maintaining a culture that values family and being a part of our South Sound community.

*2% deducted from donation